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“That is not it at all,

That is not what I meant, at all.”

--T.S. Eliot, The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock


The Awesome Power of Procrastination

*Trigger Warning: self-harm The power of procrastination is so awesome that even though I have been without Internet access for several hours and I have things that I think I want to do, I have spent that time lying on top of my bed thinking about how I would do all the things I want to do if I were to do them. Very productive. I think that the ideas I have are worth so much more in my head, I can fetishize every negative feeling and pretend that it makes me special or interesting in some way. But when the thoughts become words that I type out and read back, I realise how banal everything about me is. That's probably the real reason writing blog posts and writing in my journal gets a little harder every time. Here is a quick list of the things I should be doing right now: On Tuesday I had a very intense dream that was terrifying enough to make me feel slightly separate from my body all week. Even now, everything feels a little unreal and abnormal; I haven't stopped ...

The Scheduled Sex: Week 1

Alternative Therapy for Sad Girls Who Have Been Burned by Callous Psychiatrists: Take 2

"And so, it is simple: Beatrice is angry because she has enough to be angry about for 1,000 lifetimes. To actually face the truth behind that anger would be like getting burned in the fire of 1,000 suns. To cry and cry and cry for every possible day."
I spent most of the weekend in bed reading random things(not those books I spent food money on, though) and one of those random things was a series of recaps for the depressing seasons of Bojack Horseman. I read the quote above over and over again until I was crying to hard to read it again. So much of what was in those recaps struck a chord with me, but this one helped me understand why I couldn't even name those chords.

I signed up for that poetry course because I wanted to write better poetry. I often think about what Warsan Shire said about how writing a poem is like performing open-heart surgery on yourself without anesthesia in public and I know that I can't write ever write anything sincere because if I don't have my safety blanket of numbness all I am left with is decades of pain, both behind me and ahead of me. I think that if I really confronted everything I have ever felt, I would stop functioning again; it would mean crying and crying and crying for all possible days and I just don't have time for that right now. But I can't go on like this.  

After I signed up for that poetry course and then switched my sessions because I really couldn't bring myself to bother with it, I have finally completed the first week's prompt and it does feel pretty good. The prompt was to take a paragraph of prose and break the lines to form a poem. I went with this Bojack recap because it made me cry over the weekend and so now I love it. Enjoy

Time's Arrow

for Beatrice,that moment is not
something lost in the pursuit, but
something abjectly taken from her.

there stands her father, the monster
of all monsters, the kind of cruel man who
doesn’t even know it, lording over her.
He even has the gall to say, “One day
this will all be a pleasant memory.”
